Financial Management Accountants
01376 618088
  Our Services
Business Start-ups
Year End Statutory Accounts
Management Accounts
Cash Flow & Profit Forecasts
Our Services
Outsourcing your payroll processing can free up your valuable time allowing you to get on with running your business. It also takes the hassle out of ensuring that your software is constantly up-to-date so that the right tax and national insurance deductions are made.

We provide a comprehensive and confidential payroll service, including:

  • Administering your PAYE, national insurance, statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay and all aspects of payroll
  • Completing statutory forms, including year end returns, to issue to your employees and submit to the Inland Revenue
  • Summarising and analysing your staff costs
  • Administration of incentive schemes, bonuses, and ex-gratia and termination payments
  • Administering your pension schemes
  • Preparing customised payslips for you

We can offer payroll packages for weekly, monthly and four weekly payroll cycles.
